Shame Lies

I work a lot with folks who battle with shame.  A key truth about shame is that it lies.  But the lies it comes up with are super sophisticated: they are based on truth – but only a very little bit of truth.  Then shame brings our focus to only see that one…

From Polarizing to Loving

From Polarizing to Loving There is a human reaction that occurs in every society:  Polarization. One person steps to one side of an issue, and the other person – feeling the need to bring balance – steps to the other side.   The first person may feel unheard, or may simply feel the…

Think about Such Things

                   I find myself thinking about something these days.  I’ll let you guess what it is.  I talk about it, I read emails about it, I make decisions based on it, I consider how others are reacting to it, my shopping is affected by it, my activities are affected by it, my…

Free 30-minute Consultations!

Are you battling anxiety over coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it will affect you and your family? Would you like to talk to a professional counselor and learn coping strategies for your specific situation? Our team of counselors have volunteered to do free one-time 30 minute phone consultations for anyone living in…