Written by Marissa Halstead
Schools out for summer, woohoo! Summer is always a nostalgic time for most people, as it symbolizes a sense of freedom and fun. Pools are open and the sun is (mostly) always shining. Just because life is usually more simple, does not mean that all of our life stressors just melt away. Summer is a great time to start or continue in the self-care routine that works for you. When life feels easier, it is the best time to take care of yourself so you are not trying to pour from an empty cup. If you do not have a self-care routine, I will name some things that might be helpful to get started.
Keep a Gratitude Journal
I always recommend keeping a gratitude journal, no matter what season it is! It is a great way to get in a thankful headspace and not be so bogged down by the stressors of life. If you’re struggling to think of something to be grateful for, I recommend the simple pleasures in life. I am always grateful for the smell of my morning coffee and the way blades of grass sway in the wind. They do not need to be profound things, just meaningful to your heart in some way.
Spend Time Outside
Speaking of swaying blades of grass, go outside! Getting your daily dose of Vitamin D is good for the soul. This could be a vacation to the beach, going on a local hike, going for a jog around the block, or simply sitting on your back porch. Get outside, spend some time in nature, and while you’re at it…remember to move your body! All of these things have been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and lower cortisol levels. You engage all five of your senses when you are outside too, which is grounding and can bring a deeper sense of calm.
Reach Out to a Counselor
Maybe this is a shameless plug for my career, but I mean it! Summer is a great time to reach out to a local counselor to help maintain or heal your mental health. Most people begin their therapeutic journey due to a crisis situation. I always recommend to clients to not stop counseling just because someone “feels fine.” Especially if you have trauma in your background, the best time to start to begin to process and heal from those wounds is when things are going well! So, if you’ve been going back and forth about starting counseling, I highly recommend you take the leap of faith. There’s no better time than the present!
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