There is hope!

Have you ever had the feeling that you shouldn’t have done something? Imagine this sense was a voice that constantly barraged you with all the ways you have failed.

If you have an eating disorder, you experience this every day. A relentless voice (we call it ED, short for Eating Disorder) reminds you of all the ways you don’t measure up. And, behold! It offers you a way to measure up – through appearance, eating, exercise, and perfectionism. Everything that matters becomes reduced to these realms, which can be controlled and predicted, unlike so many complexities in life.

The problem is, ED’s conditions for success and worth do not stop. ED constantly requires more of you – “Losing 15 pounds was good, but you aren’t good enough until you lose 5 more.” The more ED consumes you, the more ED tells you of your worthlessness. ED fills you with anxiety, guilt, and shame.

ED impacts all areas of life:

  • Spiritually, you believe that God is disappointed in you
  • Relationally, you avoid being honest with friends and family
  • Mentally, fewer nutrients or chaotic eating leads to difficulty concentrating and thinking straight
  • Emotionally, you feel overwhelmed and try to avoid emotions
  • Physically, you become unable to do activities you used to enjoy
  • You lose touch with your identity and true sense of worth

But there is hope. With a helpful treatment team (e.g. nutritionist, primary care physician, therapist) and a positive support system, you can reduce ED’s influence in your life.

To help you recover, Envision therapists teach skills to manage emotions, tolerate distress, and navigate relationships. If you or someone you love is interested in learning these skills, call us at 720-WELCOME (720-935-2663) or contact us to setup your first appointment.

Providers With This Specialty

Veronica Johnson, Psy.D.
Michelle Anderson, M.A., LPC